Saturday, September 19

Proper Poker Bluffing Tips

Aggressive Players

No matter which or what casino games online you are playing like all online poker variations, it will be a game of luck and strategy. You may be holding a cock and bull hand, but what if the other player has the same hand, or better?

Your bluffing skills may turn around a non winning hand if you can make the other players think that your hand is better than it actually is. Then, you may bluff your way to a winning situation.

In poker, bluffing is one of the most important skills and stiffs that any poker player worth his salt has to study and learn to master.

So how do you bluff in online poker?

Bluffing too much!

One thing you should avoid is to bluff too much. If you're bluffing too often you run the risk of getting caught and this will make your opponents more aware of you and your bluffs. Wait for the right time and handle your bluffs with care.

Bluffing to weak players

Under-strenght players or what we call, the "calling stations" will frequently call bets despite the fact of the strength of their hand. This is because they are new to the game and they are happy to call down bets with an ordinary hands just to graze their curiosity and see whether or not they had the best hand. Therefore you should refrain from trying to make bluffs against these feeble players because they are unlikely to show your bets and bluffs too much respect.

Number of your opponents

It is not a good idea to bluff against 3 or more other players, specifically when playing a limit poker. A bluff will be more likely to work when used against a single player. The reason is not the fact that there is only one other play but because the pot is significantly smaller, making it less desirable to take chances.

Consider the situation of the hand before you bluff

You are much less likely to come off when there are more than 2 players in the hand with you. It is simply much more likely that at least one of them holds a hold an excellent of calling you. If you're going to bluff, do it heads-up or against 2 other players maximum.

Your Position

Being In a late position provides you with a lot more information about other player's hands. This makes late positions much better for bluffing than early positions. You may be in a late position and it is checked to you. If the board looks favorable and there are only a few players in the pot, consider a good bluff.

Unpredictable Play

You should always keep an eye on your reactions and actions so that your opponents can't tell whether you have a bad or a good hand. This way, they're never going to be able to tell when you are bluffing or when you truly have good cards.

On the other hand, bluffing in poker is about taking chances, so find your own balance between when to bluff and when not to bluff.

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