Tuesday, October 27

Denmark Seizes Online Poker Player’s Funds

Aggressive Players

As reported in the Copenhagen Post, The Supreme Court in Denmark has just seized the entire year's winnings of a man they say made his living playing online poker. The 35-year-old man was forced to fork over the 194,000 kroner (about $28,000) he earned playing online poker to the state.

The decision was made when it was found that the unemployed man has no other means of income and it is illegal for citizens in Denmark to earn one's entire living from online poker or any other form of gambling. However, the court was "nice" enough to eliminate a 5000 kroner fine from the Eastern High Court where he was originally convicted in November as there was disagreement over online poker being covered by the law.

This is the second recent case to return a similar verdict since June when a man was convicted of organizing poker tournaments for a living. However this verdict was overturned, even though the Supreme Court maintains there are laws against poker tournaments.

Prosecutors are insistent that the decision does not mean that online poker is illegal. Which really sounds like they don't know what they are talking about to me. "We will decide on a case by case basis whether someone is playing professionally," said Crown Prosecutor Svend Larsen.

This whole situation begs the question, "Why is it illegal to win money from an online casino, but legal to take money from a guy who got his money from an online casino? Isn't that sort of like money laundering?

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