Tuesday, October 20


Aggressive Players

Ladies - Two Queens.

Late Position - Position on a round of betting where the player must act after most of the other players have acted (usually considered to be the two positions next to the button).

Lay Down Your Hand - When a player folds.

Lead - The first player to bet into a pot.

Limit Poker - A game that has fixed minimum and maximum betting intervals along with a prescribed number of raises.

Limper - The first player who calls a bet.

Limp In - To enter the pot by calling rather than raising. (The usual concept of "Limp In" is when the first person to speak just calls the Big Blind)

Live Blind - An instance where the player puts in a dark bet and is allowed to raise, even if no other player raises. Itʼs also known as an "option".

Live Card(s) - In Stud Games, cards that have not yet been seen and are presumed to still be in play.

Live Hand - A hand that could still win the pot.

Live One - A not so knowledgeable player who plays a lot of hands.

Look - When a player calls the final bet before the showdown.

Loose - Is a player who plays a lot hands.

Lowball - Is a form of draw poker in which the lowest hand wins the pot.


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